Friday, October 28, 2011

When a straight line is the answer

This is the first of what I intend to be a series on straight lines. Early on in my quilting career, I vehemently avoided straight lines at all costs because they were difficult, but one day I realized that if I never did them, I'd never be proficient at them and I'd be limiting my design choices.

Fortunately, the eye sees what it wants to see, rendering my crooked lines straight. They don't have to be good! They're still a pain, they take a lot of time to do, but sometimes they're just what a quilt cries out for. 

This quilt, Sara's 1940's sampler, is a fine example. I love double- or triple-line channel quilting as a background design. Originally a 19th-century design, it looks good on any quilt. 

Look how great it is going in different directions and note the wonderful contrast with the feathers.